GEORGE MF WASHINGTON: The (De)Population Bomb.

U.S. birth rates have plummeted, and what we face in 2024 is not “over-population”, but “de-population.”

And here it seems that the environmental activists, Leftists all, have finally outsmarted themselves.

A declining population is catastrophic for the Leftist project. For one thing, it threatens to destroy the welfare state Ponzi scheme, which is dependent on an ever-growing supply of young workers to pay into the system. For another, a declining population reduces the chances that the human race will produce the sort of game-changing scientists and entrepreneurs who will one day develop the ability to solve complex environmental problems without bankrupting all the nations of the Earth and casting billions into poverty and despair.

The way I see it, there’s really only one option left if we want to save the planet…


It’s certainly worth trying — again and again.