MARK JUDGE: CNN Tried to Slime Me. They Made Me Sound Awesome.

For the entire summer of 2018 opposition researchers were digging through everything I’ve ever done—and not done—and sending it to the media. This included books I wrote, girls I dated, and videos I’d made. What interested CNN, aside from the bullshit of Blasey Ford and Avenatti, were my movies. They reflected my interest in Hollywood, Catholicism, literature and women. I’d started getting paid for making films when Georgetown University purchased a video I made on the Fourth of July around 2010. Shortly after that I was at the “D.C Pool Party,” which was gathering spot for young people in Washington who went to dance, meet, drink, and have a good time. It was a multicultural rave a mile from Capitol Hill that has nothing to do with lawyers or politics, or the election. It was the kind of thing you’d come across in Brazil.

I was there for about an hour and getting ready to leave when Eric, one of the party organizers saw my camera bag. “Are you a photographer?” he said. I said yes. “Listen, our photographer didn’t make it today,” he said. “Can you take some pictures for the next three hours? You know, people having fun, pretty girls.” He then named a good price. Eric was happy with the result. This led to more shoots, including one of a girl who went on American Idol—and made it into the Top 10. Suddenly I was negotiating licensing fees and signing waivers for my work.

Then the Kavanaugh war erupted. CNN was looking for dirt, and thought they found it with my films.

Read the whole thing.