THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: What Will Replace the Marine Corps?

In his book on maritime power, To Rule the Waves, author Bruce Jones points out that, if the United States is to wage war with anyone other than Canada or Mexico, we need to do it with naval power. Ever since the invasions of Normandy and Okinawa, where the Army provided significant amphibious landing forces, the leading edge of the projection of combat power ashore has been the United States Marine Corps. That is no longer the case. 

Since 2019, the Marine Corps has largely abandoned its amphibious capability in favor of a limited mission of deterring or fighting a war with China in the South China Sea, all to fulfill the vision of the former Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger. The concept is called “Stand-in Forces.” To buy the anti-ship missiles required to carry out his vision, Berger divested the Marine Corps of all of its tanks, much of its artillery, all of its heavy engineering and assault bridging and breaching capabilities, as well as significant aviation assets. But, as Jones points out, we still need some way of projecting naval power ashore. The question now is: Who will do it? There are several possibilities. (READ MORE: Biden Has Allowed the Marine Corps to Become Irrelevant)

Just as long as their pronouns are perfect — that’s the main thing.

UPDATE: There Is Now an Official Air Force Pride Patch.