DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF “WELCOME BACK, CARTER” AND TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE: NBC Analyst Says Biden Campaign’s Biggest ‘Worry’ Is It May Be Impossible To Convince Voters He’s Competent.

“I think that the thing, Katty, that worries them, is that the information environment is what it is,” [John] Heilemann told MSNBC contributor Katty Kay. “And so I asked [O’Malley Dillon] to kind of try to make the case for, you know we see surrogates all the time go on TV and say, ‘I was in a meeting with Joe Biden recently and he seemed great.’ And I said, ‘Look, most of those people have been at one meeting with Joe Biden or a couple. You spend more time with him or as much time with him as anybody in the White House over the course of the last three years. How do you make the case that Biden is, give me a vivid reason to believe that for those who say Joe Biden is not up to the job?’”

“And she told a great story … emotional, powerful, vivid, but it’s a four or five-minute long story,” he added. “And in this information environment … the voters they have to reach are people who don’t hear the five-minute story. They’re never going to see Joe Biden that way. What they’re going to see is deep fakes, cheap fakes and not fakes, but images, quick images that leave a certain impression. And trying to reach people in this environment is really hard, reach anyone in the environment we live in now in the information ecosystem.”

Part of Heilemann’s job is pretending not to know about “deep fakes and cheap fakes:” John Heilemann Demanded Examples of MSNBC Dishonesty. Here Are a Few Choice Favorites.

And: MSNBC analyst whitewashes COVID ‘conspiracy theory’ lab leak stance: ‘Always’ took it seriously. In May 2020, John Heilemann slammed Trump for pushing a ‘made-up’ story targeting China.