THE HORROR, THE HORROR: What They’ve Done to Star Wars, They’re Trying to Do to America.

Injecting lesbian sex into the origin story of the Star Wars franchise is the Bud Light debacle on crystal meth. Anybody could tell you that.

But Kathleen Kennedy, who has destroyed not just Star Wars but the Indiana Jones franchise as well from her perch atop Lucasfilm, can’t tell you that.

Amid unmitigatedly awful reviews by the public of The Acolyte — last I checked it was sitting at a 16 percent audience score at Rotten Tomatoes — Kennedy is now making the rounds not to apologize for the damage she’s done but instead to…

bitch at the audience.

I think a lot of the women who step into Star Wars struggle with [toxic fandom attacks] a bit more. […] Because of the fan base being so male dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal…. Operating within these giant franchises now, with social media and the level of expectation — it’s terrifying.

Here’s an interesting thought experiment Kathleen Kennedy won’t undertake: someone puts you in charge of making and selling a product which has a well-defined, very loyal, and quite lucrative customer base, and you decide to change the product into something completely different which intuitively will not appeal to that customer base. And the result is that the customer base angrily refuses to buy your product.

Who do you think is at fault here?

Blaming the market for your failure to succeed in it has never, in the entire history of the market, produced positive results.

Disney won’t fire Kathleen Kennedy. It’s almost too late to fire her. She’s done so much damage that the rot has completely consumed its host.

It was necessary to destroy the franchise in order to save it.