HOW IT STARTED: Briahna Joy Gray rolls eyes at October 7 survivor, disrespects rape victims.

Briahna Joy Gray, a political [commentator] and Bernie Sander’s former press secretary during his 2020 presidential campaign, was slammed online this week for her treatment of an Israeli hostage family member during an interview with The Hill on Tuesday.

Yarden Gonen, the sister of Romi Gonen, who was abducted by Hamas on October 7, told The Hill in an exclusive published on Tuesday that her sister had made a final call to their mother before being abducted from the Nova Festival.

While Yarden was attempting to garner attention for her captive sister, Joy, also part of the broadcast, garnered the attention of social media users after she rolled her eyes. At the same time, Yarden pleaded with her that she believed women who were made victims of sexual violence by Hamas on October 7.

How it’s going:

Here’s the moment in question where Gray drops the mask:

Well, one of the moments, at least: ‘I Hope Someone Drops A Bomb On This Entire Building:’ Hamas Defender Briahna Joy Gray Lashes Out After Hostile Reception.

At an event in early May titled “Debate: Israel’s War on Hamas is a Just War,” political commentator Briahna Joy Gray reacted to the harsh reception from the audience she got for her pro-Hamas arguments, reportedly saying, “It’s disgusting. I hope someone drops a bomb on this entire building.”

Gray, cohost of The Hill’s Rising and former National Press Secretary for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign, shared the stage with moderator Konstantin Kisin and fellow panelists Michael Moynihan, Eli Lake, and Jake Klein.

During the debate, Gray insisted that the terrorist group Hamas, whose members have stated they intend to kill every Jew on the planet, has no interest in killing all the Jews in Israel, only wishing to establish a state “like what we have here in the United States.”

“When Hamas is talking about eliminating Israel, it’s not talking about killing all the Jews … it’s about eliminating the idea of a Jewish state, ending a Jewish state, ending an ethno-national state, having a state or like what we have in the United States of America,” Gray claimed.

At the Washington Free Beacon, Andrew Stiles jokingly asked on Wednesday if Gray “might be a secret neocon?”

After denouncing the summit audience as “racist” and “disgusting,” Gray told Kisin she hoped “someone [would] drop a bomb on this entire building,” according to the New Republic. The Israel hater’s private enthusiasm for airstrikes on her political opponents is (potentially) at odds with her public opposition to dropping bombs on terrorists. Nevertheless, the Washington Free Beacon was pleased to learn that Gray’s impulse after losing a debate was to unleash overwhelming military force on her enemies.

The first step on the road to recovery is admitting you love war.

And thus, The Hill meets Robert Conquest’s Third Law of Politics: “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”

Exit quote:
