THE MOSTLY PEACEFUL PRO-HAMAS CAMPUS DEMONSTRATIONS: The Guardian: “An independent non-profit that tracks political violence and political protests around the world found that 97% of campus demonstrations over the war in Gaza that have taken place in the US since mid-April have been peaceful.

But wait: “[The study] defines peaceful protests as ones without serious physical violence or property damage, Doyle said. Its bar for categorising a demonstration as violent includes “physical violence that rises above pushing or shoving” or property destruction that involves ‘breaking a window or worse,’ he said.”

Get it? You can push, shove, form human chains to keep “Zionists” from moving about, threaten, intimidate, chant “death to the Jews,” vandalize, trespass, even shoot at someone so long as you miss, and more, and the authors of the study would still say your protest has been “peaceful.”